Past Friday, June 7, 2013, in Quito, in the Middle of the World, for Ecuador and for the entire world, with great active and creative joy, the Oblate Missionaries, the Mission for the Love of God Worldwide, in Ecuador, united to the pastoral and apostolic groups at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parrish, celebrated with a solemn Mass the festivity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, at the “Basilica del Voto Nacional” (Basilica of the National Oath). Since early morning, bishops, pries, nuns and laymen were coming to ample and beautiful Basilica, dearly prepared and adorned for this magnificent occasion. The Celebration was presided by His Excellency Monsignor Fausto Gabriel Trávez, Archbishop of Quito, and Primate Archbishop of Ecuador, together with his Auxiliary Bishops, other guest Bishops and by nearly a hundred invited priests, from different parishes and ecclesiastic districts of Ecuador.Military and police authorities, together with children, youngsters and adults from different places and parishes, joined together with chants, praise and prayers, renewed the 139th anniversary of the Consecration do the Republic of Ecuador to the Sacred heart of Jesus, joyfully and devotedly committing ourselves to Jesus, through our words and actions, to continue being the Country consecrated to His Sacred Heart.”
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